Published on Feb. 27, 2019 by Marion Couillaud

1 piece of rubbish (1 déchet par jour in French) is a citizen initiative with a clear concept: collect a piece of rubbish that you see on the floor 1 time per day.

Love your Sea, Clean your City!

It is a participatory citizen initiative, launched by three British people: Eddie, Georges-Edouard and Romain. The concept is simple: pick up a waste that you see on the ground once a day, in order to communicate the right actions for the planet and thus make our streets in Marseille cleaner. You pick up, take a picture, throw it in a garbage can and publish the picture with #1dechetparjour, then invite your friends to do the same thing. This forms a chain of social cleaning. It is a fun way, in the form of challenges on social networks, to reach a larger target audience and surf the social media trend. The ultimate goal is to make the Marseille population aware of the urban cleaning process, to raise global awareness and show the right actions to our children or future generations. We regularly notice the dirt on our streets (cans, bottles, packaging, plastic bags) and water (there is more waste than fish in the Old Port). We are forced to note the considerable importance of reacting to ensure the total cleanliness of our beautiful Phocaean city.
1 piece of rubbish per day is based on the principle that when you encounter a waste on the street, even if we didn't throw it away, it becomes our waste and our concern to make our city cleaner!

A few statistics

Since the implementation of the movement in Marseille, 5 years ago: 16,335 Instagram photos have been posted with the #1dechetparjour, 28,023 fans on the networks and 252,207 kilos of waste collected! No less than that!
1 piece of rubbish per day has three other antennas: Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer, Avignon and Toulouse.

An event not to be missed!

CleanWalker Collection /1 piece of rubbish per day

See you on Saturday, February 16 at 2pm at Notre Dame de la Garde. The association 1 Déchet par Jour is associated with the CleanWalker movement, for a giant collection of waste across the city! Everything must disappear, nothing must drag on the ground!
In 2016, the giant collection brought together 350 people and collected 2.2 tonnes of waste that was lying around the city in 3 hours. 1 déchet par jour counts on you once again, in order to protect and show all the Love you bring to your city.
For more information about the event, you can check their Facebook or website.

A great idea and small actions for our planet!